Monday, January 3, 2011

Just diagnosed and a bit overwhelmed

just diagnosed and a bit overwhelmed - Cancer – CarePages Discussion Forums: "I was just diagnosed with cancer. I have always been the strong one who takes care of others. I am a bit overwhelmed by all this. I don’t know how to let go and just focus on me. And, I am scared. But, I am afraid to let friends and family see that. I need to be strong for them. Any tips?"


  1. Michele, I am not a Baptist, so from a faith point of view I am not able to assist. I'm sure others will.
    From a Cancer point of view, my question is, do you really not know how to let go? I think you do and you can. You know just what to do. Focusing on you may not be your custom, but if you want to come through this, and you can, you will need to focus on you - that focus IS the same thing as focusing on your family. It says, "I care enough about being here for you that I promise to take care of myself." Make that promise. You don't need to be strong for anyone else right now. You can let God support you with His strength while you focus on what's needed to heal, to care for yourself and to make the decisions you'll need to make. Friends and family want you to be here with them in the future. They don't want you to hide from them and suffer alone. If you don't let them see you, they can't love you for who you are and you will miss the opportunity to feel real, unconditional love pouring in all around you. Don't deprive yourself. Don't deprive others of loving you as they wish to. You know what it says if you hide? "I don't trust you." Don't do that. What are you afraid they will see? All they will see is the person they hope will be here with them, loving them as they love you for many many more years to come. That's all.
    with all my love,

  2. Thanks, Elese. I appreciate your concern, but I was only citing the question from this CarePages discussion forum. I'm sorry that wasn't clear. The LIFT List blog is a place where I gather news and information from articles relating to care for the chronically and terminally ill.

    You can click on the link to see the original post, read what others have written in response, and post your comment there.
