Monday, March 14, 2011

What's end-of-life care like in a 3rd world country?

Lori Smith, medical missionary in Papua New Guinea, writes: "In just one clinic day I had four cancer patients that are nearing the end of the number of their days on this earth.

"One of our dear ladies, Anna, has end stage cervical cancer. While sitting in the waiting area, her pain just became so intense she fainted. Our dear Pastor Ipa . . . picked her frial body up in his arms and tenderly carried her into the exam room like a father would gently gather up his wounded child.

"Anna is a 'regular.' The hospital has sent her home to die. There is no blessing like hospice here. People are sent home for them to do the best they can to suffer through the pain and agony of bodies succumbing to the invasion of cancer cells.

Anna hurt so much she just lay there and cried for her mama. My heart just bled in pain with and for her!! I held her and prayed and cried with arms surrounding her until the pain released it's death grip on her body.

"Injecting the precious gift of pain medication...watching the instant relief sweep over her body..she relaxed in the mercy of the blessing of medicine. I could only think of the instant relief and release a simple decision to trust in Christ would bring her as well.

"The tumor now filling her abdomen, inflicting her with pain and agony. She is bleeding out both physically and in her strength, yet her heart remains strong and stubborn.

"Anna is coming to the end. It will be a really rough road. She needs mercy and peace only Christ can give her. Pray that she will submit herself to accepting that her religion and her best efforts in this life are not enough. She needs to trust alone in the finished work of Jesus. He paid it all so she could just accept His free gift of love and mercy!

"Her body left our clinic relieved, but her heart remained troubled and filled with fear."

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