Monday, May 23, 2011

What are they really up to?

Wesley Smith writes: "As I watch Compassion and Choices (once the Hemlock Society), it appears to have a couple of long term goals. First and foremost, of course, is the complete legalization of assisted suicide throughout the country, supposedly restricted to the terminally ill under guidelines. Then, the guidelines and limitations would soon be attacked and streeetchhhed–evidenced by the organization explicitly opposing the very guidelines in Montana (after a court ruling creating a constitutional right to assisted suicide, later vacated), that it had bragged about establishing in Oregon.

"Second, its leaders hope the assisted suicide advocacy group can become the Planned Parenthood of death, complete with public funding and imbedding into the political ruling Establishment.

"Third, it hopes to use “mandatory information” laws about palliative care to promote the death agenda, evidenced by the original proposal in California under AB 2747, which, among other provisions, would have required doctors to put the terminally ill into artificial comas and then dehydrate them to death on demand. That broader agenda was temporarily scaled back after AB 2747 hit a wall of resistance, with a law eventually passed requiring doctors to give palliative care information to their terminally ill patients."

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