Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Alison's Story

I am 50 and was born with severe spina bifida. I am completely dependent on my wheelchair for mobility. I am doubly incontinent and I have the lung condition emphysema, which often makes breathing very difficult. I also have osteoporosis (brittle bones), which has caused my spine to collapse, trapping nerves. This causes extreme pain, which is not always controlled, even with morphine. When the pain is at its worst, I cannot move or speak. This can go on for hours, and there is no prospect of relief. Some years ago, a combination of physical and personal problems led me to feel that I couldn't go on living. For ten years, I wanted to die and I made several serious attempts to kill myself. I'll always be grateful to the friends who saved my life (though I wasn’t at the time). And I'm especially thankful there was no possibility of persuading my doctors to legally help me die. Two things helped me realize that, in spite of my many disabilities, life can be sweet. Living with Spina Bifida

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