Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Assisted suicide activist plans 'right to die' hospice

Assisted suicide activist plans Gastonia 'right to die' hospice - News14.com: A well-known assisted suicide activist is making plans to open a “right-to-die” hospice in Gastonia. The Rev. George Exoo says he wants to help terminally ill people end their lives in a quick and painless manner but some in the medical community are concerned about his plans.

'I think it's the reason I'm placed on this planet,' Exoo told a film crew in the documentary “Reverend Death.” Over the years, Exoo says he's directly helped more than 100 people end their lives. He's assisted an additional 20 over the phone. It's difficult for him but he says he does it because no one should die alone.

'I have a heart and a passion for those people, and so reaching out to them may be in the spirit of the Good Samaritan. That's why I do this,” he said.


  1. Here is another proposal for a right-to-die hospice: http://www.tc.umn.edu/~parkx032/GDH.html

  2. I allowed this comment through only in the interest of publicizing what's "out there," not to promote the idea in any way. Folks, people are serious about killing people through hospice. Beware!
