Tuesday, June 28, 2011

A Rare Pair

Brothers Stefan and Tyler Delp have spent every second of their lives together. They go to the same schools, play the violin in tandem, and recently sang a duet, "Put Your Arms Around Someone," at their school's spring hop. But the boys have never seen each other's faces except for some sleight of hand with mirrors or computers. The boys, born 19 years ago, are a rare set of identical twins, joined at the head so one faces forward while the other is turned backward.

"Theirs is the most intimate, loving relationship two people can have," their mother said. "No one ever has to be as giving to another person as they are. They can't do enough for each other." "Inside, they are like everyone else," their father said. "They want love and acceptance. They want people to talk to them and not be afraid of them. I don't really expect people to totally understand. I just want them to accept the difference . . . see the beauty . . . feel the love."

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